'Care to humans and the environment'
Industrial Safety specialises in the prevention of occupational hazards in risk management and environmental protection in companies with the aim of creating a safe and productive work environment.

Safety Coordinator

Safety Coordinator

Coordinator of Safety & Health at Work provided for in Presidential Decree 305/1996. It has the responsibility of coordinating the activities of the Project, to monitor safety and health in all phases.

The benefits for the contractor is manifold:


  •     Avoid accidents and creating a safe working environment
  •     Avoiding fines - business interruption
  •     Focus on construction for timely and within budget project completion.

The legislation provides Coordinator during both the study of the project and during its execution.

The Coordinator shall prepare the Plan and the Health and Safety File work in collaboration with scholars and Technical Security.


  •     Studies the principles of risk prevention at work in all technical and organizational choices of the study as not dangerous to people.
  •     Coordinate contractors, subcontractors and self-employed and inform their obligations

The presence of the Security Coordinator in the project depends on the number of contractors, the hazards of work.