'Care to humans and the environment'
Industrial Safety specialises in the prevention of occupational hazards in risk management and environmental protection in companies with the aim of creating a safe and productive work environment.

Safety Officer Services

Safety Officer Services

The advisory role of a Safety Officer is among the fundamental employer obligations (Law 1568/1985, Presidential Decree 17/96). Industrial Safety Officers offer substantial support to any company they work with for the prevention of occupational risk, the implementation of best work practices and eventually for the development of a comfortable and safe work environment.

The Safety Officer (SO) acts as a consultant with expertise in Occupational Safety & Health. He/she offers his advice in writing or orally to the client's management, on all subject-matters related to the prevention of occupational risk at the workplace. The SO's written recommendations are documented in the so-called "Recommendations Book" which is provisioned by Law and the employer has to authorise at the local labour inspectorate.

In that context, our Safety Officers carry out the following tasks during their visits:

  • Inspect all installations, equipment, other production means and work methods in what concerns Safety & Health issues,
  • Supervise the workplace safety and health conditions, the implementation of safety measures and the actions taken to prevent occupational accidents, through regular audits. Subsequently the findings and issues of non-compliance or safety gaps are cimmunicated to the management or documented in the "Recommendations Book".
  • Provide expert knowledge on Safety & Health to the company's management on issues related to production planning, division of labour, the procurement of equipment, the selection and inspection of all Personal Protective Equipment, the design of the new workplaces and workstations and support the company on its day to day operation.
  • Investigate the causes of occupational accidents
  • Supervise the execution of emergency drills
  • Provide guidance to the employees on the prevention of occupational risks
  • Plan and implement Occupational Safety & Healh Safety programmes